UPC Mission: Christ’s Love in Action

Zoom link for Oct 28 7:00-8:00 pm, passcode: 051875 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81445859966?pwd=ejlndVlDUWNSdWdXOU1JN3NubXpTQT09

October 28, 2020 discussion

August 24, 2020 discussion

UPC Mission Committee:

The Mission Committee strives to plan and implement God’s mandates to love each other and fight for justice. Efforts are made to balance local, regional/national, and international needs with interventions and support. Their action plan offers a wide menu of efforts that addresses and supports UPC’s mission of “Christ’s Love in Action.” Workshop sessions provide critical information on social justice issues while monthly activities support a wide variety of local non-profit agencies. “Stuff” is collected in Marcia’s Closet for the University of Wyoming’s International Student Giveaway, the Backpack Program, and the Community Holidays Program. Other activities include volunteer services at the Downtown Clinic and Habitat for Humanity, fund-raising for Heifer International, Gifts from the Heart Emergency Kits, winter jackets for the Boys and Girls Club, crafts and books for the Youth Crisis Center, food and cleaning products for the Soup Kitchen, emergency gas and food cards, Interfaith Food Pantry/Services, and many other initiatives. Currently, UPC has joined the Wyoming Presbytery in joining the Network that is a national Presbyterian initiative in addressing the needs of Syrian refugees. Additionally, the Committee is responsible for the four yearly special offerings to PCUSA.